Gardening: Brian Kidd solves your growing problems

The American Tulip Tree (liriodendron tulipifera).The American Tulip Tree (liriodendron tulipifera).
The American Tulip Tree (liriodendron tulipifera).
Our expert delves into his inbox to answer your questions.

Q: I was given a miniature fragrant rose in a pot by a friend and it flowered for eight weeks. There are no buds now and I am wondering if it can be planted in the garden or whether it would be OK in a small tub? BP, Rowlands Castle.

A: It’s best to plant it in a sunny place in the garden. In a tub it will lose its leaves and would not look attractive in the winter.

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Q: Our parents will celebrate 50 years of marriage next February and we were going to buy them a Japanese flowering cherry tree but a gardener friend told us they only live for 30 years. Which long-living tree would you recommend for their garden at Copnor? N and K, Copnor.

A: I would suggest a tulip tree (liriodendron tulipifera). They live for more than a century and have green and yellow tulip-like flowers in June/early July.

Q: My magnolia stellata has grown far too tall and my neighbour has asked me to have it pruned. Can you recommend an expert who can do a good job please? CLU, Hambledon

A: Yes, I have sent you details. This job can be undertaken right now and despite heavy pruning if it is done now there will be flowers next spring. It is good idea to find just the right person.

•Got a question for Brian? Click here and fire away.

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